I believe...
everything happens for a reason.
in never paying full price for anything.
shoes should always be optional.
the world would be a better place if we all viewed each other like we did when we were four.
it's not the government's place to tell me how much sugar I can eat in a day.
I could win the show Survivor if I had the guts to apply. (I know, I know, you are thinking "Seriously?" and I just want to say that I know that just because I believe it...doesn't make it true. ;)
blue is the most beautiful color.
having brothers is better than having sisters. (this might be a little biased since I have 5 brothers and 0 sisters...and Yes! They always wear suspenders when they go fishing!! Seriously!)
dessert should always be eaten first!!
I totally agree with the all of the above, except the Survivor thing (no way I would even want to try that)!